Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Epic Mickey!!!!!
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Dajasia H. #13
Part 4
Earth's Temperature will rise 3- 4 times in the next century
Over 70 percent of Earths surface is covered in water.
Plankton wait to eat until night.
Tide pools contain many different water organisms
Crabs heart stop beating if its a 2 degree difference and kills it.
if they die then the predator that eats it will be effected too.
Kids have more asthma now then back then. Sahara Dust
Lake Chad in Nigeria has dried up over the past 50 years.
Dust from Africa is effecting children in Trinidad.
Predators:part 5
Is the disappearance of trees and coral due to the lack of less predators.
Animals and insects are becoming less active and more destructive. More animals are giving people rabies and lime disease. Aspen trees are disappearing. 1930 Yellowstone's last wolf died. Animals depend on the kill of the wolf because they also feed off of the prey. Brought back wolves to keep the cycle going in Yellowstone. More plants are growing meaning there is less elk eating it meaning that the wolves are getting their feedings. Having the wolves are good and bad because they are keeping the cycle going and then there are wolves eating live stock. Under water Predators and coral. Coral reefs are dying because they are being suffocated by algae. Jamaica has lost almost 90% of their large fish. The good things are that some fish species are returning. Also Fisherman are starting to catch bigger fish again. "Can we live with them or Can we Live Without Them?"
Part 6: Troubled Waters: Health of water signs in animals. Leopard frog is showing signs about the water. Atrizine is harming the leopard frogs because they are being blown to the waters and making them sick. Waters that are contaminated by atrizine are deforming the male frogs and waters that don't have atrizine in them they are more healthy. Waters are collecting synthetic chemicals that are harming us and the environment. Hidden in the black waters are beluga whales. Canaries of the sea because of the songs. These animals are the animals that have the highest rate of cancer. Dozens of chemicals are in these beluga whales and when belugas die because they have so much chemicals that they are sometimes known as toxic waste. Some chemicals by themselves might not be deadly but if they are mixed with other chemicals they can become dangerous. If we affect the animals it affects us. Fish are contaminated with a type of mercury and only 90% of the fish you get are safe to eat. Some people are trying to stop the contamination . Plants provide most of the remedy to kill the mercury in the water. Crown of Thorns have taken over the bottom of the sea and are killing coral reefs and has been spreading nitrogen and it has been unresolved for 40 years. All they heave to do in order to keep all the farming chemicals out of the water is to plant more trees to absorb the chemicals. Tuna. Sharks, and Whales all have chemicals in their tissue.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dajasia H. #13
Deadly insects
Animals help certain insects transport to different places for it to grow larger.
Climate Change: By burning carbon fuels we have raised Earth's temperature by one degree Fahrenheit. Caribou have declined by at least 60,000. People are suffering for climate change and won't have anything to eat. Mosquitoes kill caribou because they carry a certain parasite. People around the world don't care about what's going on in the Arctic because it doesn't effect them.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dajasia H. blog #12
This movie was about Global Warming and what it has come to. It has been 5 years since Katrina hit New Orleans and people are still without homes and necessities and after that it took 9 months for them to retrieve oil again. The movie also talks about how the USA and Europe are the most consuming countries in the world because we take what we have for granted and without realizing there are people in Africa and china that live on only 1$ to 100$ a day.
Also this movie describes how the products that we use are mostly made of oil which is a non-renewable resource or fossil fuel. At the rate that we are going most or even all of the oil can be gone in the next 40 years. Even in France the Glaciers are melting leaving nothing but water. A man in UK was trying to make a change by simply suggesting a wind turbine farm to produce wind energy, but he was out-voted by people who didn't think that they were a good idea because it would ruin the "view". People were arguing about how the wind turbines would lower the price of their property. In India a man was making a environmentally friendly plane that was approved and has succeeded. Towards the end the man was explaining about how we are commiting suicide for not trying hard enough to prevent Global Warming. The man from France was also said," People from the next generation are going to blame us for not being able to see the wonders that we got to and not putting effort towards the one thing we could have prevented."