- What does the word "Teamwork" mean to you?
It means working together and putting equal amount of effort to do your best. Also being serious while having fun and learning something that is important. Not holding anyone back from doing their best.
- How do you see the students trying to work together?
They cooperate with each other and try their best to succeed. They never complain about their partners.
They do criticize about others but they do it in a helpful way so they can take it in as advice not a put down
How learning new things will provide opportunities.
How important was teamwork for these students?
Very important because they need it to succeed to be the best they can be and working together helps with their dancing.
What do you think is the main message that these students should take away from this experience?
They should try their best no matter what the situation is and work together even if it isn't what they want.
How will you work together with your teammates in this class? I would work well and try my best. I would help them as much as possible if they don't know what to do and let them know they are a big part of the team just as anyone else. Also it would help people focus because they have goals to achieve and help them stay on track.