Friday, March 5, 2010

Drawing in flash

Drawing in flash was fun and interesting because we learned about the things to do in making the shapes and fills. When we started drawing in flash I didn't know where to start first. The thing that I started first was a house with flowers, trees,and a little boy blowing bubbles. It wasn't the best, but it was the best I could do. I had a lot of fun doing everything; the coloring, the filling, the outlines and everything. When we watched the video for drawing in flash it was hard to understand at first, but I took notes so I would remember. The picture that I have is a picture of drawing in flash. Its complicated to learn, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy. Doing flash was an interesting thing to learn because I had never done it before and it was fun learning something new and locking it into your memory.

My team is a great team because we work hard together and get things done fast and right the first time. We had complications at first when we started the project, but we got through it together and became a better team. My team mates are hard workers and have their own job in the project. Our game is based on pollution and cigarettes and how they both effect the world in bad ways. Our team works on our levels and paper prototyping the pieces were hard to cut with detail for our levels and they were great and went with the game. Our game title is The Green Effect it is about people helping keep the world clean from cigarettes and air and water pollution. Our team name is The good The bad and U. It was created and founded by Valerie, Jonathan, Karina, Elias, and Myself. Thats all for my team and drawing in flash.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Your blog is very viaually appealing and filled with great images and information. Keep up the good work!
