Friday, September 28, 2012

Game Ingredients

The Game "Don't Take It Literary"
It has overlaying Objects
A score System
A Wrong Answer point deduction
..That's really all...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Don't Take It Literary

  • Name of the game: "Don't Take it Literary"
  • What were you looking for? The word that goes with the Definition or the example
  • Was the game fun to play? Explain why.: It was fun but then the levels kept repeating. Also it helped me review what the meanings mean.
  • How does the designer reward you and keep you playing? The designer doesn't reward anything but The images make me want to still play.
  • What does this game teach you? The definitions of the literary words
  • How does it use hidden objects to teach you? It hides the words with the background
  • What age group would find this educational? middle and High school ages
  • How would you make this game better? Add more Levels and Examples

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Danger of a Single Story..

What does it mean to have a "Single Story" about a place or community?
   * It means to have a preconceived idea about a person or where there from..
Describe a single story about your community you have heard. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community?
   *I've heard that East Austin is not the safest place to live because of violence and gangs. But it's not all of East Austin that's like that. People could learn that they shouldn't believe everything they hear from people and stereotypes.
Describe a single story that you've heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about this community?
   *A single story I've heard would be about Africa in the "Danger of a Single Story"
She talks about how her country is always talked about being in poverty and one of the poorest countries. But what they don't really talk about is their culture. A way to find out more about the community would be reading books, talking to someone from there, or travelling there and studying the country.
How could a game help people learn about different communities?
    * A game could help by letting the player click a community and read or play about what's going on in the community and then they will better their knowledge about that place.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Year Sept. 12th, 2012

My school year so far has been very eventful. I have had numerous schedule changes and even some transferring of classes. Which made getting some work done impossible because I kept getting new teachers.
My classes so far have been fun and interesting. I like Biology and English best. They, so far, are my favorite classes. I would put Art as my favorite class but, I DO NOT HAVE IT ANYMORE! Instead I have speech, which I don't dislike, but it's rather confusing. So I have to wait until next semester to take Art. I already have all my supplies,which I bought the first day to then realize that I would have to drop the class.
What I hope to accomplish this year would be just to successfully pass all my classes with a 90 or above..