Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dajasia H. #14

This image shows how power plants effect the Earth
We have to worry about power plants because other than humans theyt are verybad pollutant

I picked this image because it is showing what vehicles do to our Earth. Also if people know then cars put Carbon Dioxide back into the Earth's atmosphere. If we don't make better decisions about our use of fossil fuels then we could pollute the Earth enough to where we would have to make sacrifices just to live.

This image bothers me most because it shows how humans pollute the world and make an unhealthy place. Also Making this worse is that we aren't doing much to change the way we live and the way we are effecting Earth.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Epic Mickey!!!!!

Mickey Mouse went into a magica mirror into another dimension and messed up the wizards creation and he created an evil Shadow Creature. The evil Shadow Came back for Mickey and took him to the new world he had created. Part 2: Mickey breaks free from the mad scientist and a bunny looking creature turned the machine and made it more dangerous. Oswald Is a "new" Character even though he was created before mickey was on Tv and helped mickey in the game.

Image retrieved from:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dajasia H. #13

"Strange Day on Planet Earth"

Part 4

Earth's Temperature will rise 3- 4 times in the next century
Over 70 percent of Earths surface is covered in water.
Plankton wait to eat until night.
Tide pools contain many different water organisms
Crabs heart stop beating if its a 2 degree difference and kills it.
if they die then the predator that eats it will be effected too.

Kids have more asthma now then back then. Sahara Dust
Lake Chad in Nigeria has dried up over the past 50 years.
Dust from Africa is effecting children in Trinidad.

Predators:part 5

Is the disappearance of trees and coral due to the lack of less predators.
Animals and insects are becoming less active and more destructive. More animals are giving people rabies and lime disease. Aspen trees are disappearing. 1930 Yellowstone's last wolf died. Animals depend on the kill of the wolf because they also feed off of the prey. Brought back wolves to keep the cycle going in Yellowstone. More plants are growing meaning there is less elk eating it meaning that the wolves are getting their feedings. Having the wolves are good and bad because they are keeping the cycle going and then there are wolves eating live stock. Under water Predators and coral. Coral reefs are dying because they are being suffocated by algae. Jamaica has lost almost 90% of their large fish. The good things are that some fish species are returning. Also Fisherman are starting to catch bigger fish again. "Can we live with them or Can we Live Without Them?"

Part 6: Troubled Waters: Health of water signs in animals. Leopard frog is showing signs about the water. Atrizine is harming the leopard frogs because they are being blown to the waters and making them sick. Waters that are contaminated by atrizine are deforming the male frogs and waters that don't have atrizine in them they are more healthy. Waters are collecting synthetic chemicals that are harming us and the environment. Hidden in the black waters are beluga whales. Canaries of the sea because of the songs. These animals are the animals that have the highest rate of cancer. Dozens of chemicals are in these beluga whales and when belugas die because they have so much chemicals that they are sometimes known as toxic waste. Some chemicals by themselves might not be deadly but if they are mixed with other chemicals they can become dangerous. If we affect the animals it affects us. Fish are contaminated with a type of mercury and only 90% of the fish you get are safe to eat. Some people are trying to stop the contamination . Plants provide most of the remedy to kill the mercury in the water. Crown of Thorns have taken over the bottom of the sea and are killing coral reefs and has been spreading nitrogen and it has been unresolved for 40 years. All they heave to do in order to keep all the farming chemicals out of the water is to plant more trees to absorb the chemicals. Tuna. Sharks, and Whales all have chemicals in their tissue.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dajasia H. #13

"Strange Days on Planet Earth"

Part1 Termites:

This story took place near Lake Victoria.

They were researching about strange animals and insects that are destroying houses.

They also were researching about plants and animals that were growing and showing up where they don't belong.

These insects are called termites and are dominating houses in certain areas such as the South.

Part2 The Nile Crocodile:

has taken over the Lake Victoria.

Many crocodile attacks and deaths.

Weeds invading Uganda and making it hard to get fresh drinking water and also making it hard to getting to fishing grounds.

Rats: Alienated here and had to bring in lizards, but those were active during the day when rats sleep so they had to bring in a new species; a toad which were poisonous and had to be killed by cats which ended up poisoned.

Now using certain insects and weevils to kill and eliminate the weeds.

Asian Tiger mosquitoes, Fire ants and killer bees; all are taking lives.

Big island Hawaii

Erosion is killing species and most aren't found here.
Dangerous tree spreading to fast and killing other plants.
Japanese white eye is its accomplice.

Deadly insects
Animals help certain insects transport to different places for it to grow larger.

Climate Change: By burning carbon fuels we have raised Earth's temperature by one degree Fahrenheit. Caribou have declined by at least 60,000. People are suffering for climate change and won't have anything to eat. Mosquitoes kill caribou because they carry a certain parasite. People around the world don't care about what's going on in the Arctic because it doesn't effect them.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dajasia H. blog #12

The Age of Stupid:
This movie was about Global Warming and what it has come to. It has been 5 years since Katrina hit New Orleans and people are still without homes and necessities and after that it took 9 months for them to retrieve oil again. The movie also talks about how the USA and Europe are the most consuming countries in the world because we take what we have for granted and without realizing there are people in Africa and china that live on only 1$ to 100$ a day.
Also this movie describes how the products that we use are mostly made of oil which is a non-renewable resource or fossil fuel. At the rate that we are going most or even all of the oil can be gone in the next 40 years. Even in France the Glaciers are melting leaving nothing but water. A man in UK was trying to make a change by simply suggesting a wind turbine farm to produce wind energy, but he was out-voted by people who didn't think that they were a good idea because it would ruin the "view". People were arguing about how the wind turbines would lower the price of their property. In India a man was making a environmentally friendly plane that was approved and has succeeded. Towards the end the man was explaining about how we are commiting suicide for not trying hard enough to prevent Global Warming. The man from France was also said," People from the next generation are going to blame us for not being able to see the wonders that we got to and not putting effort towards the one thing we could have prevented."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My name is Dajasia,

these websites helped me find out information about my topic and how important it is to keep the oceans and all open waters clean. The new resources will help me search for important information that will relate to my game and how it will effect the Earth and how it is already effecting the waters.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My team involves Valerie, Karina and Me (Dajasia).
Our game is based on Water and Air pollution and how it effects us and the Earth.
The game will be based on how to clean the Earth and helpful hints on how to pass the game.
We will be asking questions to the players like How can water and air pollution effect us?: Because we drink most of the water that gets polluted and before we do we filter it and make sure it's clean, but what we don't know is that they don't completely clean it and is still somewhat polluted. Also we breath the air that is polluted and for people who already have hard time breathing it makes it worse on them. Also Water and Air pollution is harmful and kill many people by just breathing or drinking it. That's why we are making this game to prove the importance of keeping this Earth clean.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dajasia H. #10 10/12/10

Dan Hogan/Michele Hogan

Tiny Marine Organisms Reflect Ocean Warming
October 11, 2010

Rick Piltz
Climate Science Watch
October 11, 2010

Chris Elliott
Ocean Waming Threatens Antartic Wildlife
October 11, 2010

Niall Byrne/ Tim Thwaites
Fresh Science
October 11, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dajasia H. #9

Use the format below to add internet resources to a bibliography.

Author, Title of website, Web address, Web address URL, Copyright date, Date found the information.


How To Properly Cite Internet Resources:

J Stor. 1898.
Found October 7th, 2010.

Mindsay 2005- 2007
Found October 7th, 2010

Opuzz 2010
Found October 7th, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dajasia H. #8 2010

Coral Reefs :
A Coral Reef is a large structure that can go hundreds of feet below sea level and is built by really small animals. They are sometimes very colorful but, when they die they become dull and lifeless. Even though there are large amounts of coral reefs in one place they are in danger because of water pollution and over fishing. We can prevent this by cleaning up the planet and by stopping people from over fishing. Many coral reefs are found in the South Pacific which is like Austaralia and Fiji and they have large amounts there but, they are dying. We also need coral reefs because they are the main source for medicines used for bones and they are also very beneficial towards doctors. If we also save them we will be saving tons of animals that use them for food and shelter. Many coral reefs are hidden below sea level and if we don't start preserving them than we won't be able to study them for more medicines and reasons they are here.
Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef.
If not helped in a matter of time they could disappear all together in 30 years or so.
Coral Reefs have been around for more than 60 million years.
If we don't save the coral reefs and keep them from dying then many animals that depend on it will die also along with them.
Coral reefs are living creatures although they look like stones and sponges.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dajasia H. #7 2010

This video on endangered animals made it clear to me that some of the most unimportant animals to us can be the most important animals to the animals. Watching this movie also made more sense about the forest in Asia, how they are being cut down or caught on fire and are leaving animals homeless. Due to hunters and poachers 1/4 of the Mammals here on Earth are threatened and also 1/3 of the Amphibians. Also more on Amphibians is that in some rain forests there is a fungi that is killing 2 out 50 species of frogs a year and that is very high considering there are only 50 species. Going on to Mammals; there are many types of species of mammals and just think 1/4 of them are endangered. Take the polar bear for example it has become endangered because of hunters and poachers killing them for their fur. Another example of an endangered animal is the Amara Leopard at most there are 30 left in the wild. People say people will help more with animals because we use Pandas and Tigers to help them realize that they are endangered because they are Charismatic mammals. Animals are very important to the Earth and Us so we should help and make a difference.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dajasia H. #6 2010

#1 topic: The topic I liked best was the ADHD because it talks about how children and adults that have a learning disability that makes it complicated for them to pay attention and they get distracted easily. Also their website on ADHD was very informational about the disability and how it effects them in school and everyday life.

#2 topic: The next topic that I liked was the animal helping organization because they take in animals that are endangered and keep them from becoming extinct and they take care of them also. I also like the way they have each and every endangered animal in their own area and keep them as a group. Also the way they care for the animals is a amazing and that there are people who are wiling to take care of animals for a living. Their website was aslo very informational about how they are taken care of and what they do for them and everything.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dajasia H. blog 5 2010
I liked this website because it is talking about making the Earth and community a better place
also it talks about how I can keep the community together and make it easier on people.
I like this Website because it made me think about all the things we can do for others that could mean a lot to them and make them feel better.
I also like this blog because the things they do to keep endangered animals from becoming exstinct and also tells us what we can do too.
I also liked the way this website halps people donate money for a good cause: to help people and families in need of certain things and helping them find a home.

Global warming: The issue under environment informs me about the dangers of global warming and how much worse it can get and why it is still increasing.

Dealing with ADHD: the issue under educational issues :This website and article made me think abot how sometimes most kids don't want to pay attention, but then again there are kids who want to pay attention but have a hard time doing so.

Teenage Depression: Under Educational Issues: This website reminds me of people around me because a lot of people are depressed but just don't know it like others do.

Smoking: Health: This topic about smoking always reminds me of those around me because a lot of people around me do smoke and some don't even know about the harmful effects that can do very bad things to your body.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog entry # 4

The game reviews were very useful due to the fact that it made me think about how the game taught me and how I thought the game was. Even though thtere were 2 reviews (Educational nad Non- Educational) the one that I thought was more better was the one I thought was good because I thought making reviews was fun and I like commenting on games.
I put that I would like to learn how to make the objects or characters move smoothley across the screen because the flash is really interesting to me.
Also knowing now that I do know what most genres the game are it will be more easy toplay them and get the concept. When doing the game reviews it was a way for me to understand the game and how to think aboutthe plays before making them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dajasia H. 3 2010

An Inconvenient Truth:
What I thought about the documentary was it was very informative and made me think about how global warming can be stopped. It also made me think about if these numbers on the charts increase even more than one thinks than we can be in serious trouble. The temperatures will only go so high to which we can take and then what would happen: Who knows.
Global Warming obviously has a wide affect on Earth but what it does to us it can take a wide amount of our water away form us if it gets too hot and it also affects our animals which also affects us. Global Warming or what I've heard of is very dangerous to our environment and the people and animals in it I don't want to imagine how much worse it could get.
This documentary got me thinking about how we could prevent it from getting any worse and eventually heating the Earth too much to bear. Also it got me thinking about how much we are and are not doing to keep this from getting any worse. We can start using less fossil fuels and start using environment friendly sources such as bikes instead of cars

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What I learned In Technology

What I've learned in Globaloria has been an amazing experience for me because I've never worked in flash before in any other school.

Working in flash has been very interesting and informative for me because using the codes and drawing in flash has been very fun!

What I've learned in Globaloria this past 6 weeks has been different from what I've ever learned throughout the whole year; it's been hardest at the end because of all the evaluations and the tensity in the classroom has been very nerve recking.

Now I am going to have to stay after school for some thing I have clue for, but must be important. This is apart of my game and is very interesting to the player it's about both water and air pollution. I hope to finish it with my team before summer camp is over!

This is going to be an awesome experience. When our game is going to be finished it will be the best around. It will be fun and informative.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm 12 years old and a student at East Austin College Prep Academy. I have been in Globaloria all school year. Globaloria is about working in flash and making a game that is about world causes like pollution and health. My group game is about pollution and has been about the effects about pollutions and how it is harming the world. Globaloria is about working in flash and how it would help someone like me to make a game about the economy and living organisms.
Working in flash is about drawing levels for our game and adding animation and navigation and much more. Adding navigation is hard to work in because there is a lot of codes and information to handle and use in it for it to work. That's what globaloria is all about.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Working in Flash

The topic in flash was adding navigation, It was very confusing and interesting to me because it was hard to follow along with the teacher and get our stops in and our navigation. Adding navigation is complicated to learn and add to flash pages. Adding the navigation was hard to do to the button like frame labels and instants names. It was fun and hard to do because drawing in flash is creative and making a game is too, while doing the work for it all to happen is very frustrating and confusing to understand. Adding navigation codes are easy to find and paste while getting them to work for your game is complicated and making sure you have the right code while trying to follow along with the teacher. Following along with the teacher is hard because working in flash can get you lost easily and make you fall way behind. This topic we worked on was interesting with all the navigation we had to put in. My flash file didn't come out the way it was supposed to my game didn't stop for the buttons to be pressed to proceed to the next scene in which was our assignment.
working in flash was a great thing of someone to learn how to do in such short time but it was fun because we will be making our own game.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Drawing in flash once again

Flash was very hard to understand and hard to complete without the teachers help.
Flash was also very interesting; like drawing in flash was hard, but fun to do.
Drawing in flash was new and like painting in the computer. Having more information than watching a video and having to read notes, but a teacher going through the steps with us and helping during the process. We have to remember the codes so we can upload files to our wiki pages and in case someone erases the flash we will have it on our wiki.
Flash is difficult and hard to understand, but once I got the meaning of the words and the tools I learned it was quite fun and interesting.
Yes distractions are a very big part of why most kids in the classroom are not able to understand flash as much as the ones that aren't distracted.
I think what can keep people form being distracted from others is...
Well I don't exactly know what could be done about the people that distract others form work; maybe separate them from the others by giving them a warning and if they disrupt again maybe the principals office. That might and might not work. The Flash videos are very helpful because they teach how to go through the steps and they teach you how to work most of the programs on flash, but sometimes the videos are hard to understand and grab the concept of them as fast as others can. Flash is very important in technology because that's what we need to pass this class and if we ever plan on making a game later on in life we have the knowledge form middle school technology classes. The video tutorials are very hard to understand that's why I prefer the teacher walking us through the procedure instead of the flash videos. I can understand flash better if I take better notes instead of notes that dont't give that great of information. Yes learning Flash will help better in the future because flash is a great way of learning new techiques than just sitting around the house, you can go and teach others how to do things like this and help them through the process of flash and see how good they do. Flash has and still is a very weird source of computer programmings because who knew someone can learn form drawing!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The visit with Ms.Shannon was different from other visits with other people, but it was very informative about how to upload our flash to our wiki account. I was interested in what we had to do to make the things that we learned possible because it was very new. I felt that I learned a lot from her and that I will use it again to upload more flash files to our wiki. When she visited for the flash I learned a lot from her. When she first started talking about the flash I was uninterested in it, then I learned about the steps that we had to take. That's when it got harder to follow along. Uploading flash to the wiki was a new experience to have gotten and it was very hard to do most things she wanted us to do. Ms. Shannon came all the way from New York which was very thoughtful of her to help 6th graders with their flash. When she told us that she was going to be our substitute for Mrs. Ross Miller I was upset because that meant that we weren't going to see Mrs. Miller for the period. When we finally uploaded the files to our wiki it showed up our drawing in flash file that we had drew and that was mission accomplished. I was very proud of my success . Heres more information on drawing in flash and uploading

Friday, March 5, 2010

Drawing in flash

Drawing in flash was fun and interesting because we learned about the things to do in making the shapes and fills. When we started drawing in flash I didn't know where to start first. The thing that I started first was a house with flowers, trees,and a little boy blowing bubbles. It wasn't the best, but it was the best I could do. I had a lot of fun doing everything; the coloring, the filling, the outlines and everything. When we watched the video for drawing in flash it was hard to understand at first, but I took notes so I would remember. The picture that I have is a picture of drawing in flash. Its complicated to learn, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easy. Doing flash was an interesting thing to learn because I had never done it before and it was fun learning something new and locking it into your memory.

My team is a great team because we work hard together and get things done fast and right the first time. We had complications at first when we started the project, but we got through it together and became a better team. My team mates are hard workers and have their own job in the project. Our game is based on pollution and cigarettes and how they both effect the world in bad ways. Our team works on our levels and paper prototyping the pieces were hard to cut with detail for our levels and they were great and went with the game. Our game title is The Green Effect it is about people helping keep the world clean from cigarettes and air and water pollution. Our team name is The good The bad and U. It was created and founded by Valerie, Jonathan, Karina, Elias, and Myself. Thats all for my team and drawing in flash.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day

February 23, 2010


A day that I will never forget because it was snowing right at this moment.
It was sticking to the ground and everyone was excited about it and me. I wish I had my phone so I could call my mom my dad and everyone so we can all relize it. It was really exciting to see snow in Texas.. in Austin. It hardely ever snows in Austin and I have never seen it snow so much. When in got home my cousins and I were playing in it and we had snowball fights and snowmen... well little ones. Now it's March and it's getting warmer and now it's probably not going to snow again until next winter.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Team

My team is the best to work with. They are very good workers and they work hard and are very responsible. Having to redo our paper prototypes and having to represent them on a camera. I felt having more time to present and work on our game was good to make improvements on our game. When I was grouped with my team I felt that we were going to be able to do a great game together. I think that putting math into our game was hard but we got through it together and made our game objective understandable and easy to do and work with. The frustrations were that some people were not cooperating and were with other groups but when it came down to the real things that we need to do they come in and help with whatever we need to get done. The triumphant moments were that is was hard to perform our game and present it in front of a camera that was going to be posted on our team page. My team members name's are Valerie Flores, Jonathan Henderson, Karina Sanchez, and Elias Cruz.
  1. Valerie was the Graphinc designer on the compter
  2. Jonathan was the team captain
  3. Karina was the Wiki Updater
  4. Elias was the Organizer
  5. Dajasia (me) was the secretary

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Game Blog

I got the role of note taking also known as secretary. I'm good at this job because I am good at taking notes and I have good handwriting. I had disagreements with my team like the team name and colors. We decided that we should all look at colors and pick the three best colors and we looked up good team names and found one called " The Good The Bad And U."

I look forward to creating a game with my team mates because we work good together as a team and we all agree on certain things and we are good at hard work and accomplishing things. Also the colors and graphics that will be in the games. The information we got for the idea was from pollution that smoking causes and how it can be stopped. Thats my blog for Technology.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Technology Blog

I enjoyed making the paper prototype for the game because we got to design it and color it. I also thought that working with my team members was fun because we had fun working on it together. It was difficult because putting all of it in order and having all the levels all together and all the small pieces. But we made it to the presentation and had fun explaining it to others.

I understand the reference of my prototype to my game and how it will help us along the way to creating our game and its layers and levels.

It was fun working as a team because its easier when you have a lot of people helping you along the way to help with the design and the game type.
The things that I liked working as a team is that it made it easier on everybody to have help and support.

The things that I didn't like about working as a team is that not everybody participated in the way that they should have.

They will get better if every one participates next time and concentrate.

Also we will get better at drawing up our prototypes on paper to make it more descriptive in the game.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Awesome Blog

My thoughts about Globaloria are that it's a very challenging class that you have fun in while learning. Also what I like about this class is that we get to learn about the computer and how to work it. I've learned how to blog and how to add videos,pictures,hyperlinks, and more. We also are learning about how to make a game about problems in Austin,Texas that have effected us in many ways. Ex. Poverty,Health,Environment,and Education. I enjoy this class because we update learning logs and we have a Wiki page that we can post comments and work on also.(Pollution)

I enjoy blogging because it can help with what you are learning and how to explain it better in your own way. I also like blogging because you can post it on your blog page and anyone can see it if they type in your URL. We are learning how to make a paper prototype for our game that we are making in our math objectives group together. You have to design your game on paper so when you do it on your computer it is already drawn out and ready to make. I look forward to learning about the computer's parts because in case your computer breaks down and you don't have to call anybody to come and fix it because you already know how to fix it yourself. Our game: My partners: Valerie,Karina,Jonathan,and Elias.: Our game is about pollution all types, but we are focusing on water and air pollution mainly. Our first level is about keeping the cigarettes out of the clean water of fish and lake animals. The second level is about questions,facts,and information that was distributed throughout the game. You have to answer the questions that we have created by information that WE had to look up. The third and final level is about getting the air that is already clean through the bad polluted air and making it safe to the other side without being polluted. Also my math objective is 2 which is ratios,patterns,and algebraic thinking. I am excited about making my very first game because I always thought about the people that make games for a living and I never thought that it could be me well not for a living but as a hobby since we are learning how to make them we can make our own as an extra thing to do in the summer. There are more things about Globaloria like our Wiki pages and our learning logs also. Our Wiki pages are for information on our game like our simple steps to making a game. Our learning logs are for what we have done that day so in case we need to go back and reflect on what we did so we can go back and get information.

Now that it's a new month of February we have been working on new and advanced things like paper prototyping with our team and now we are going into the process of making a game.
So far we have made a web page that talks about our game and how it works.
More about our game is that its challenging and hard,but worth the effort and drive of our minds.
When I first thought about making a game I said "Oh no this is going to be hard.",but it wasn't as hard as I thought.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

About My Game

My game is about smoking and I want people to know about smoking facts and how it effects the world.I am going to use math in my game such as ratios,fractions,multiplication,and addition.

I want people to learn not only smoking is bad for their self but,for the world also.I would tell the players that the game was interesting and that you will learn a lot from it like that there is

0.7mg in each cigarette,also there is about 4,000 chemicals in a cigarette after it has been lit and about 40 of them are carcinogens. Carcinogens are cancer chemicals which is why people that smoke are sometimes likely to get cancer.There are pictures that show what cancer can do to you and your family.

this is what happens when most people smoke!When you smoke chemicals fill your lings which takes up room and prevents air from flowing through as easily as when you don't smoke.When people smoke as much as they do toxic chemicals enter the body and sometimes never exit without treatment. That's what I want people to learn about in my game to prove to them that smoking might be cool when your young but, will regret it later on in life or even now.