Thursday, November 29, 2012

Adding Hidden Objects

  Adding Hidden Objects wasn't exactly easy, but I found it to be easier than years before in like 6th grade. The coding wasn't necessarily harder, but easier to type into the actions layer and I found it to be quite enjoyable to be able to remember the code that goes into the symbols and now I know what code means what. So I actually enjoyed putting my game together.


  1. Hello Dajasiah,
    I agree with you that coding was easy and simple and I also enjoyed putting my demo game together .

  2. Hey girl , Hey :)
    Yes . I included that same thought in my post as well, over the year's flash has gotten easier. We can find the wrong and right things right away .

  3. As the both of the people above I agree. Flash is easier now then in 6th grade. Even thought I forgot to add instance names and I got mad and founded out what I did wrong the rest was easy.
